2020年七年级英语下册Module 2重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案)

2020年七年级英语下册Module 2重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案),Module2,重点单词,重点短语,句子专练,莲山课件.

2020年七年级下册Module 1重点单词、短语、句子专练



1. My father works c           (认真地)in his company.

2. The bookshop is next to the bus station. You can f          (找到)it easily.

3. Pupils often use c          (蜡笔) to draw pictures in art class.

4. This is a photo of m           (我的).

5. I have a p          (紫色的) dress. It is my favourite colour.


1.–_________black crayon is this?

–It’s Liu Ling’s.

A. Who B. What

C. Whose   D. Where

2. There  ______ a ruler and two pens on the chair.

A. is B. are  C. am    D. be

3. Do you eat ___vegetables every day?

A. a lot     B. a lot of   

C. lot of   D. a lots of

4. Please be careful ______ my iPhone 4S! It’s very expensive.

A. by   B. at   C. on   D. with

5. —Are the pencils _______?  

—No, they aren’t.

A. you    B. your   

C. yours   D. you’s

6. There’s ________ eraser on the floor. Whose is ________ eraser?

A. a; a B. an; an  

C. an; the D. a; the

7. If you________things, you can go to the lost and found office in our city.

A. take B. buy

C. sell D. lose

8. I am careless, so I often________ my homework at home.

A. take B. bring

C. leave D. forget

9. —Which is Mary’s dictionary?

 —This one is ________. That one is ________.

A. hers ; mine B. her ; mine

C. hers ; my D. her ; me

10. —________do you join the music club?

—Because I like singing.

A. What B. Why

C. Where D. How

11Tom _______his bag in the librarySo he has to get it back

Agets      Bloses

Cleaves     Dlooks

12There are      students in the meeting room.

Atwo hundreds       Btwo hundred of

Ctwo hundreds of     Dhundreds of

13There are fruitsvegetablesmeat and many        things in the         supermarket

Aother      Bthe other

Cothers      Dthe others

14The girl is       her white dogCan you help her       it?

Alooking forfind         Bfindinglook for

2020年七年级英语下册Module 3重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案)

2020年七年级英语下册Module 3重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案),Module3,重点单词,重点短语,句子专练,莲山课件.

Clook forfind            Dfindlook for

15Her home is far away from her school        she gets up early every day

AThat’s because      BThat’s why

CThat’s when        DThat’s what


1. What do you f_________ in the box?

2. Be c_________! The snake is dangerous.

3. There are lots of w_______ in the showcase (橱窗).

4. Pencil and e_________ are good friends.

5. Alice likes using c________ to draw pictures.


Form now onlook forin a hurryhundreds ofwait for

1–What are they doing?

–They        the bus

2You should not be late       

3It’s nine o’clockMr Black must go to the airport           .

4        students are playing basketball on the playground

5Don’t worryLet me help you          your keys


1.I am looking for my wallet.(改为一般疑问句)    

________ you________ for ________wallet?

2.These are her books.(改为同义句)    

 These __________are__________.

3.There’s also a fat pig on the farm. (改为同义句)  

 There’s a fat pig on the farm , ____________.

4.Jack has got a lot of English magazines. (改为同义句)

Jack has got __________English magazines.

5. My brother likes swimming because it can make him strong. (对划线部分提问)

_______  ______ your brother ______ swimming?


1. 欢迎回到学校

________ back ________ school.

3. 这是谁的手表

________ watch is this?

4. 我认为是它是Tom的。

I ________ it’s ________

2. 这些铅笔是你的吗?

Are ________ pencils ________?

5. 过马路时请小心

Please ________ ________   when you cross the road.

6.  从今以后我们必须好好学习。

We must study hard _____ ______ ______




一、1. carefully2. find3. crayons   4. mine   5. purple


三、1. find 2. careful 3. wallets 4. eraser 5. crayons

四、1are waiting for    2from now on   3in a hurry  4Hundreds of     5look for

五、1.Are; looking; your   2.books; hers   3.too   4.many  5. Why does…like

六、1. Welcome ,  to   2. Whose   3. think, Tom’s   4. these, yours   5. be careful  6. from now on


2020年七年级英语下册Module 4重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案)

2020年七年级英语下册Module 4重点单词、短语、句子专练(含答案),Module4,重点单词,重点短语,句子专练,莲山课件.