人教版九年级全册物理单元练习题:第二十一章 信息的传递

人教版九年级全册物理单元练习题:第二十一章 信息的传递,九年级物理单元练习题,信息的传递,莲山课件.

Unit 2 单元过关检测 100


.词汇。 10分)


1. Lily brushes her          toothafter getting up every morning.

2. That’s a          funtime for breakfast.

3. My father often does some          exercise.

4. Tom sometimes          eatsome meat and vegetables.

5. We must have fruit and vegetables          keephealthy.


6. Mary likes eating ice-cream. It t         good.

7. In the evening, Tony e         watches TV or plays games.

8. Eating q         isn’t a good habit for us.

9. I think playing basketball is a h         sport for students.

10. He s         goes to school at 7:30, but he is never late.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。(10分)

(  ) 11. —What’s the time?  —It’s _______ three-thirty.   

A. of                  B. around             C. at

(  ) 12. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock.         

         A. in                  B. at                   C. on

(  ) 13. Please write and tell me _______ your school lady.  

A. about              B. for                   C. with

(  ) 14. We often do _______ homework at home.        

         A. we                 B. us                    C. our

(  ) 15. _______ interesting movie it is!                

     A. What               B. How                C. What an

(  ) 16. Please come _______ here. Don’t go _______ now.  

A. to; home           B. /; to home          C. /; home

(  ) 17. I usually watch TV _______ Saturday evenings.    

A. on                   B. in                    C. at

(  ) 18. Sorry, I can’t go with you. I have _______ homework to do.

A. little              B. many               C. lots of

(   19. —____ do you eat breakfast?  —At seven-thirty.  

A. What               B. What time           C. Where

 20. —Do you know ________?  —Sorry, I don’t know.

A. what is his name      B. what his name is       C. what name is his

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

My dear friends, let me tell you something about my daily timetable时间表. I ___ 21at 7:00 and I go to  ____ 22at 8:00.I have science at  ____ 23and then I have math at 10:00.  ____24is my favorite subject. I like math because it’s  ___ 25. Mr. Dai is our math  _____ 26. I like him very much. I eat ____27at 12:00 and then I have music at 1:00.I have history at 2:00. I  _____( 28like history because it is boring. But I____ 29like art and I want to be an ____ 30. I have art on Wednesday at 2:00.


  21. A. work         B. get up             C. study              D. go to bed

  22. A. home         B. movie            C. school             D. work

  23. A. six            B. nine               C. eleven            D. twelve

  24. A. Music        B. Math              C. English           D. Chinese

  25. A. boring        B. difficult           C. interesting       D. relaxing

  26. A. teacher       B. partner            C. classmate        D. parent

  27. A. breakfast     B. dinner             C. lunch             D. /

  28. A. not            B. doesn’t            C. don’t             D. can’t

  29. A. kindly        B. really               C. surely           D. well

  30. A. artist         B. actor                C. teacher          D. president


. 阅读理解。(30分)


For many schools in Thailand  泰国 ,there are two terms . The first term is from the first week of May to the first week of October. The second term starts from the first week of November and finishes at last week of February or the first week of March. The students don’t get a break for Christmas. But they get a 3~4 days’ break for the New Year.

For many students in Thailand, a school day is very long. They usually get to school at 7:30 a. m. Classes begin at 8:00 a. m. There are three classes in the morning and they are 50 minutes each. The students have lunch at 11:00 a. m. They don’t have dining halls, so they have to eat in the classroom. Lunchtime finishes at 12: 25. There are three classes in the afternoon. School finishes at 3:15 p. m. Many schools have a homeworklesson after school,so the students usually go home after 4:45 p. m.


 31. How long is the first term in Thailand schools?

A. For six months.     B. For five months.

C. For four months.     D. For three months.

 32. What does the underlined word“break”mean in Chinese?

     A. 假期             B. 节目            C. 游览           D. 计划

 33. When do students usually get to school in Thailand?

     A. At 7:00 a, m.       B. At 7:30 a, m.      C. At 8:00 a. m.     D. At 8:30 a. m.

(  34. Why do the students have to eat lunch in the classroom?

           A. Because their dinning halls are very small.     

B. Because they must do their homework after lunch.   

C. Because they don’t have dinning halls.       D. Because they bring lunch to school.

(  35. What can we learn from the passage?

A. There are three terms in Thailand schools.     

B. The students in Thailand don’t go to school in November.              

C. The students in Thailand usually go home at 3:15 p.m.

D. The students in Thailand have six classes a day.


In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥)eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.

(  36. Many English people have _________________ meals a day.

               A. two              B. three               C. four              D. five

(  37. People may have _______________ for their breakfast according to the passage.

               A. tea and eggs        B. hamburgers and tea   C. coffee and salad   D. eggs and fish

(  38. People have lunch at ______________.

               A. any time          B. nine                C. five               D. one

(  39. People don’t have _____________________ for their dinner.

               A. bananas and apples  B. soup and meat      C. meat and fish       D. porridge

(  40. Most Englishmen have dinner ________________.

               A. at one               B. at any time            C. at noon                D. in the evening

C 任务型阅读

人教版九年级全册物理单元练习题:第二十二章 能源与可持续发展

人教版九年级全册物理单元练习题:第二十二章 能源与可持续发展,九年级物理单元练习题,能源与可持续发展,莲山课件.

                                        Life in Britain

Homes and families

Many British people live in houses, not flats.   41  

Daily life

Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the afternoon.    42  They have a quick meal.


Children start school a about 9 a.m, and finish at about 3:30 p.m. Most children have lunch at school. All the children go to school when they are 4 or 5 years old,   44  


Most shops open at about 9 a.m, and close at about 6 p.m.   45  

A. School life

B. and leave school when they are 16 or17.

C. Most houses have gardens.

D. Usually, they don’t close during lunch time.

E. Most people don’t to home for lunch.   

41.          42.          43.          44.           45.          

. 句型转换。(15分)

46. I usually take a shower at 6 pm. (将主语改为she

                                  a shower at 6 pm.

47. My uncle goes to bed early. (改为一般疑问句)

                         uncle          to bed early?

48. She eats some fruit for supper. (就画线部分提问)

                     she          for supper?

49. They often have dinner at 6:20. (就画线部分提问)

                              they often have dinner?

50. Peter often does some reading from Monday to Friday. (改为同义句)

       Peter often does some reading                           .

. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(15分)

51. 你拿这个或者那个都可以。

        You can have          this one          that one.

52. 你知道谁在广播电台工作吗?

Do you know who                   a radio         ?

53. 饭后刷牙有益健康。

        Brushing          is                   your health.

54. 妈妈很忙,通常六点到六点办做晚餐。

        My mother is really busy. She usually makes dinner          6:00          to 6:30.

55. 妈妈想让我吃很多蔬菜。

        My mother wants me to eat                            vegetables.

. 书面表达。 10

    Peter 正在接受电台记者的采访,他向记者介绍了自己朋友们的日常作息,请根据本单元所学知识,结合所给的图片,帮Peter 完成介绍材料。要求:

1. 书写认真工整;

2. 展开合理想象,时间表达正确合理;

3. 语句通顺,不少于60词。















      I have a lot of friends, they all have healthy habits.                                     





Unit 2 单元过关检测答案

. 词汇

A1. teeth   2. funny  3. exercise    4. eats       5. to keep

B6. tastes  7. either   8. quickly    9. healthy    10. sometimes

Ⅱ. 选择填空

11—15B B A C C    16—20C A C B B

Ⅲ. 完形填空

21. B    22. C    23. B    24. B    25. C

26. A    27. C    28. C    29. B    30. A

. 阅读理解

A. 31. B    32. A    33. B    34. C    35. D

B. 36. C    37. A    38. D    39. D    40. D

C. 41. C    42. E    43.A     44. B    45. D

. 句型转换

46. She usually takes    47. Does your, go    48. What does, eat    

49. What time do       50. on school days

. 根据汉语意思完成句子

51. either; or    52. works at, station    53. teeth, good for    

54. from; to     55. a lot of

. 书面表达(略)。




