
2019.9广州市培正中学九年级开学摸底考试 ,广州市,培正中学,九上开学考英语,莲山课件.



Ⅱ. 知识运用 (两部分, 20小题, 20)

第一节 语法填空 ABC三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(10小题, 10)

(   ) 21. September is          ninth month of the year. It is          pleasant month for traveling.

A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the

(   ) 22. Would you please provide more information with us about the accident?

— Of course. It happened          the morning of July 26th, 2019.

A. on B. for C. in

(   ) 23. The trip is so wonderful that I have never had          one before.

A. the good B. the best C. a better

(   ) 24. Lei Feng          for many years, but his spirit is still encouraging us.

A. died B. has died C. has been dead

(   ) 25. — Hey, John. Could you please          the signs?

— Sure.

A. put on B. put up C. put off

(   ) 26. — Which sweater do you prefer, the yellow one or the red one? 

        of them fits me. Can you show me another one?

A. Either B. Neither C. Both

(   ) 27. Steven practiced every day and he finally succeeded         , across the river.

A. swim B. to swim C. swimming

(   ) 28. — I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.

— Oh, I          a walk with my parents at that time.

A. was taking B. took C. have taken

(   ) 29. I don’t know if Jack         . If he         , call me, please.

A. comes: come B. will come; comes C. will come: will come

(   ) 30. — Do you have any advice to keep in good health? 

        doing exercise and you will stay healthy.

A. Keep B. To keep C. Keeping


第二节 词语填空 通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的ABC三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(10小题, 10)

The world needs love and many people need our help. Several years ago, my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are   31   . Each week, I spent an hour in the classroom helping children with schoolwork, art projects, games and other   32   including eating. My mother is a teacher, so I am used to helping children. However, I found that working with children with special needs would   33   my life forever.

At first, I thought it would be   34   to be with the children who are so different, but gradually I found there’s something special about these students. So there was no need to worry about it. Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey and Missy. Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair. He communicates with simple words   35   yes and no. Joey, a deaf girl, always welcomed me with a big smile. Missy was born with a kind of   36   and it makes her really small for her age. In a normal classroom, it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil, speaking   37  , or making unnecessary noises. However, here, shouts, cries, and other noises are   38  . They’re signs of excitement and different ways of communicating.

Working with children with special needs has changed my life. It has made me   39   others’ needs. One of my teachers believes that we should be part of something bigger than   40   I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference.

(   ) 31. A. uneducated B. homeless C. disabled

(   ) 32. A. courses B. competitions C. activities

(   ) 33. A. change B. waste C. save

(   ) 34. A. nervous B. relaxing C. lively

(   ) 35. A. except B. like C. against

(   ) 36. A. ability B. illness C. habit

(   ) 37. A. clearly B. politely C. loudly

(   ) 38. A. mentioned B. stopped C. encouraged

(   ) 39. A. refuse B. notice C. influence

(   ) 40. A. ourselves B. yourselves C. themselves


III. 阅读技能 (四部分, 24小题, 48)

第一节 图表理解 阅读下列图表, 从每题所给的ABC三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子 (5小题, 10


Side A                                                                  No. 293083 Student Bus Card

Name: Lilian

From: April 1, 2019

To: December 31, 2019

Price: ₤180

College: University of Chichester

Not valid (有效的) for travel unless its used in the bus companies of Stagecoach, Season, Goldrider and Basabout in the UK                                                                     


Side B                                                                  No. 293083


Thank you for travelling with

If the card is lost and then found, please return to any Stagecoach driver.


(   ) 41. Lilian is         .

A. a bus driver B. a university student C. a teacher in a college

(   ) 42.You can not find          in the card.

A. Lilian’s age B. the card number C. valid time



Many students have already had clear ideas about what jobs they would like to have in the future. We believe boys’ choices are different from girls’. To find out how different their choices are, we made a survey in Green High School.100 boys and 100 girls took part in the survey. The following diagram shows the results of the survey.



(   ) 43. About 45% of the girls would like to be          in the future.

A. a bank clerk B. a reporter C. a teacher

(   ) 44. Which job do the boys like best?

A. A bank clerk B. A reporter C. A manager

(   ) 45. What doe the diagram show us?

A. Less than 10% of boys want to be a reporter.

B. Not many girls want to be a scientist.

C. More girls want to be a bank clerk than boys.


第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的ABC三个选项中,志出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子(10小题, 20)


In the UK, a grammar school is a secondary school (中学) for students aged from 11 t0 18. To understand grammar schools in the UK, some history is needed. After World War II, the government recognized the secondary schools into two basic types. Secondary moderns were for children who would be going into a trade and concentrated on (专注于) skills, grammar schools were for children who would be going on In higher education and concentrated on the classics, science, and so on. This system lasted until the 1960s. Then changes happened.   This was partly because some governments wanted to prioritize (重点发展) the grammar schools.

The decision led to a single type of school to give every child a complete (完整的) education That is why this new type of school is called a comprehensive (综合性的) school. However, some of the local governments (地方政府) were against the whole idea. So they put it off for as long as possible. The result is that there is now a mixture. Most governments choose a proper comprehensive system, a few prefer the old system of secondary moderns and grammar schools (except the secondary modems are now called comprehensives). Some run comprehensive schools along side one or two grammar schools.

(   ) 46. We can infer from the passage that         .

A. secondary moderns and grammar schools were two basic types of the secondary schools.

B. secondary modems were for every child

C. in the 1960s, some governments wanted to prioritize secondary moderns

(   ) 47. If one wanted to go on to higher education, he should go to         .

A. a secondary modern B. a language school C. a grammar school

(   ) 48. In the UK, a comprehensive school were for         .

A. students aged from 11 to 18

B. children concentrated on skills

C. every child

(   ) 49. In what kind of books can we probably read this passage ?

A. Education B. Science C. Language


江苏省宿迁市沭阳县2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语入学考试试卷(解析版) ,江苏省,宿迁市,沭阳县,九上英语开学考,莲山课件.

(   ) 50. From the passage, we know that         .

A. most governments support comprehensive schools.

B. history is unnecessary if you want to understand grammar schools in the UK.

C. after World War II, the secondary moderns are the most popular in the UK.



Over the summer, a movie called Ne Zha became very popular in China. The film has earned over 4, 200, 000, 000 yuan so far. It took the 1980s-born director Yang Yu, also called Jiaozi, two years to write the script (本) and the film was in production (制作) for 3 years.

Yang Yu redrafted (改写) the script 66 times. Ne Zha has more than 1,300 special effects shots (特效镜头). It took over 20 Chinese special-effects studios and employed more than 1,600 people to realize the film’s fairy tale settings (神话背景), the Dragon King’s palace, and the fight between fire and water. Each of them took about two months to complete.

The stories of Ne Zha are told in different ways in different times. This time, for the interest of new audiences (观众), there are also several changes from the original Ne Zha story.

In the past Ne Zha was known for his fight against patriarchy (父权) and autocracy (封建专制). In Yang Yu’ film, he is fighting prejudice (偏见): Ne Zha is hated and feared by the people. But Ne Zha believes his life is not decided by others and that he can choose to be a demon () or a god. Ne Zha’s father Li Jing, is no longer cowardly (懦弱) and selfish as he is in the past works; instead, he becomes a great father who sacrifices (牺牲) his own life to save Ne Zha.

“I want to make a movie to tell young people to hold on to their dreams and bold their fate (命运) in hands,” said Yang Yu.

(   ) 51. How many years did Yang Yu spend on the movie in total?

A. About 2 years B. About 3 years C. About 5 years

(   ) 52. To make the film, which of the following is right?

A. It took over 66 Chinese special-effects studios

B. It has more than 1,600 special effects shots.

C. The fight between fire and water took about 2 months.

(   ) 53. What does the underlined word “original” mean in paragraph 3?

A. 传奇的 B.最初的 C. 悲壮的

(   ) 54. What does Ne Zha fight against in this new movie?

A. Patriarchy B. Autocracy C. Prejudice

(   ) 55. What is the best tile for the passage?

A. Chinese movies are rocking the world.

B. Ne Zha returns in hit summer film.

C. Your fate is in your hands.


第三节 语篇补全 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短文。选项中有一项为多余选项。(4小题,8)

If you are in Shanghai and want to throw away a cup of milk tea, be careful.56. ________. First, pour out any leftover(残留物) into a wet waste bin; second, put the paper wrapper into a recyclable(可回收的) waste bin; third, throw the single-use cup and straw (吸管)into a dry waste bin.

Sound difficult? You’ll have to get used to it. From July 1st on, people in Shanghai have to sort(分类) their garbage according to strict rules.

Why should we sort our garbage? The answer lies in the increasing持续增长的) amount of waste we are producing. 57. ________. Most of this waste is buried(填埋) in landfills(垃圾填埋场), which may pollute water and soil. Moreover, we are running out of space for new landfills.

In fact, more than half of our waste can be recycled. Recyclable garbage can be made into new materials, while wet garbage can be used to make gas, heat and fertilizer (肥料). 58. ________.

Can’t garbage-processing companies do the sorting job for us? They can. But that requires a lot of work and costs lots of money. 59. ________. Besides, the troublesome task of sorting might encourage people to produce less waste. Do you still want to buy that milk tea?

A. Many other cities in China are planning to create similar garbage-sorting rules.

B. Chinese cities produce over 200 million tons(吨) of waste each year, according to China Economic Net.

C. You need to follow these steps.

D. Things will become much easier if each of us can sort our own garbage.

E. But in order to recycle efficiently(有效率地), we need to sort our garbage.


第四节 阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。(5小题,10)

Thomas Edison’s laboratory was almost destroyed by fire in December 1914. Although the cost of the damage was $2 million, the buildings were only insured (保险) for $238,000 because they were made of concrete( 混凝土) and thought to be fireproof(防火的).

Much of Edison’s life’s work was burned in flames that December evening. Edison’s 24-year-old son, Charles, searched for his father among the smoke and debris(骸碎片).

He finally found him and saw that he was quietly watching the fire. Edison’s face turned red and his white hair blue in the wind.

“I am happy that he is still alive.” said Charles.

He was 67, no longer a young man and everything was going up in flames. When he saw his son, he shouted, “Charles, where’s your mother? Find her. Bring her here. She will never see anything like this as long as he lives”.

The next morning, Edison looked at the damage and said, “There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start again.

Three weeks after the fire, Edison managed to show his first phonograph(留声机) to the world.

60. How was Tomas Edison’s laboratory in December, 1914?


61. Why were the buildings only insured for $238,000?


61. What was Edison doing when his son found him?


63. Did Edison lose hope because of the fire?


64. When did Edison manage to show his first phonograph to the world?




第一节 语篇翻译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(5小题,10)

65. Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar but also you need to understand the culture. Here are a number of important tips to remember when speaking English in the United States.

General Point to Remember

* Americans have difficulties understanding different accents(口音). 66. 许多美国人不习惯外国口音。This needs patience from both of you!

Conversation Tips

* Talk about places: Americans love to talk about places. 67. When speaking to a stranger ask them where they come from and then say something about that place. For example: “Oh, I have a friend who worked in Los Angeles. He says it’s a beautiful place to live.” Most Americans will then willingly talk about their experiences living or visiting that city or place.

* Talk about work: 68. 询问美国人有关工作的事情,是很常见的。It’s not considered impolite(as in some countries) and is a popular topic of discussion between strangers.

* Talk about sports: Americans love sports! However, they love American sports. When speaking about football, most Americans understand “American football”, not soccer.

* Be careful when expressing ideas about race, religion or other sensitive(敏感的) topics: The United States is a multi-cultural(多元文化) society. 69. Especially in the last few years. Americans are very sensitive to other cultures and ideas.

65. ___________________________________________________________________________

66. ___________________________________________________________________________

67. ___________________________________________________________________________

68. ___________________________________________________________________________

69. ___________________________________________________________________________


第二节 情景交际 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(5小题,10)

A: Hi, Tom. I haven’t seen you for a long time. 70. ___________________________?

B: I have been to Hong Kong.

A: Really? 71. _________________________________?

B: No I didn’t enjoy the trip at all. You know, the demonstrations(游行) and occupation of the airport(占有机场) have caused a lot of fear.

A: Yes. I have read some news about them. It was terrible. 72. ____________________________?

B: Nothing much. I went some shopping and tried some delicious food. Most of the time, I just stayed in the hotel.

A: 73. ____________________________________?

B: I came back yesterday.

A: Did you come back by plane

B: 74. _______________________________. Hong Kong International Airport is operating normally(正常运作) again.

A: That’s good. I hope those terrible things will never happen again.



75. 初三即将来临, 但是对于初三, 李华却有些困惑, 他该如何兼顾学习, 健康, 与人际交往呢? 请你用英语, 写一篇作文, 在上述三个方面, 给李华一些建议。要求:

1语言通顺, 意思连贯, 符合逻辑。









四川省巴州中学人教版九年级2019年暑假收心测试卷(无答案) ,四川省,巴州中学,九上开学考英语,莲山课件.