

专题十七 T字部

1. take



关联词组:take care of照顾;take part (in)参加,参与;take off起飞;脱下;take over接管


○1本义指“带(走),拿(走),取(走),搬(走)”等表示移动的动作;常见搭配有take sb./sth. with sb.携带……同行。例如:

His wife went to Australia, taking the children with her. 他的妻子带着孩子去了澳大利亚。

○2和一些名词连用,代替名词相关的某个动词,表示相应的动作意义。常见的诸如:take a look看一看;take a seat坐;take a shower洗淋浴;take a picture/photo拍照片等等。

○3表示“花费(时间、金钱或努力)”,常用在It takes +时间/钱/努力+ (for sb.) to do sth.结构中。例如:

Organizing a successful street party takes a lot of energy. 成功举办一次街头聚会要花费很多精力。

It took a few hours for me to get to my office. 我花了几个小时才到办公室。


I took the first plane out. 我搭乘第一班飞机走了。

Take the M6 to Junction 19. 走6号高速公路到第19号交叉口。

反义词:bring  v.带来,拿来



25. Roy works in London. It _________him about half an hour to get to work by bus every day.

A. costs                      B. spends                       C. takes

2. taste


名词用法:可表示“(食物的)味道,滋味”;可表示感官中的“味觉”;可表示“品尝”这一动作。常用结构有have…taste/have the taste of有……味道;sense of taste味觉;have a taste of品尝某物。例如:

You must have a taste of the fruitcake. 你一定得尝尝这水果蛋糕。



It’s always best to keep tasting the food while you’re cooking it. 做菜的时候最好是边做边尝。

○2连系动词,表示“有……味道,尝起来”;taste+形容词或taste like+名词。例如:

The food tasted better than it looked. 这食物吃起来味道比看上去要好。

What does pumpkin taste like? 南瓜是什么味道?

词性转换:tasty  adj.味道好的;tasteless  adj.无味的



33. I think tea will taste better ____ some milk in it.

A. for        B. with            C. from            D. at

3. teach




○1特指在学校里“教书,教授,讲授”;teach at+ place在某地教书;teach (sb.)+subject教授(某人)某学科;teach sth. to sb.给某人教某课程。例如:

He taught physics at the local school. 他在当地学校教授物理。

○2指教某人如何做某事:teach sb. sth./ teach sb. (how) to do sth.。例如:

different methods of teaching children how to read 教儿童识字的不同方法

○3指更广义的“教导,教育”,相当于educate;可用于teach sb. to do sth.;teach sb. sth.;teach sb. that等:

He taught me that the easy option isn’t always the best one. 他让我明白了简便的选择并非总是最好。

词性转换:teacher  n.教师;teaching  教学


(2019,北京卷,阅读B)But if you teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime.

4. term



○1表示“学期”,例如:summer/autumn/spring term夏季/秋季/春季学期

○2表示“专有名词,术语”,后面常接for sth.。例如:

Multimedia is the term for a modern technology.多媒体是一种现代技术的术语。

○3terms表示“条款”,指协议、合同、规定等。常见于短语:terms and conditions条款和条件。

○4在in the long/short term短语中表示“时期”。例如:

The cost of living will go up in the short term. 生活费用会在短期内上涨。


(2019,广东卷,阅读C)Setting up an English club is one of the things we are going to do this term.

5. test


关联词组:test result实验结果;test method试验方法;field test现场试验;test paper测试卷

动词用法:可指医学上“检查(身体)”;对人的知识/能力进行“测验,考查”;对机器/产品进行“试验,检验”,常用test sth. on sb./sth.结构。例如:

I must have my eyes tested. 我必须检查一下我的眼睛。

This exam is to test your reading skills. 这次考试是为了考查你的阅读能力。

It is not allowed to test new medicine on animals. 不允许在动物身上做新药物试验。

名词用法:take a test参加测验;pass a test通过测验;fail a test测验不及格;put sth./sb. to the test是某人/某事得到考验。例如:

Living together will soon put their relationship to the test. 一起生活马上就能考验他们的关系。

易混单词:text  n.文本;课文


(2019,北京卷,阅读D)Many people believe smart machines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing and scoring process.

6. thick


用法:本义形容“厚的”,可以引申表示树木“繁茂,茂密”、烟云“浓密,浑浊”、液体“浓稠”等;也可表示测量时“有……厚的”。be thick with sth.满是……。例如:

The walls are about two meters thick. 墙大约两米厚。

The air is thick with smoke from the fires. 空气中充满了火灾产生的浓烟。

词性转换:thickness  n.厚度;thickly  adv.厚地,浓地;thicken  v.变浓,变厚

反义词:thin  adj.薄的



34. — Is this Mike’s dictionary?

— No, it’s mine. The thick one on the desk is      .

A. his                B. yours                C. hers             D. theirs

7. throw



关联词组:throw away扔掉,丢弃;throw up呕吐


○1表示“投,扔,抛,掷”等动作;throw sth. to sb.=throw sb. sth.扔东西给某人;throw sth. at sb.朝某人扔东西。例如:

He threw his shirt to someone in the crowd. 他把他的衬衫扔给了人群中的一个人。

Someone threw a stone at the car. 有人朝汽车扔了一块石头。


Don’t just throw your clothes on the floor- pick them up! 不要把衣服扔在地板上—捡起来!


(2019,湖北卷,单项填空)We need experts(专家)to teach us things like throwing and high jump.

8. tie




○1表示“(线、绳索等)系,捆,扎,栓”、或“打结,系上”等;常常和介词to搭配,或用于tie sth. together (with sth.)结构。例如:

They tied him to a tree and beat him up. 他们把他绑在树上狠狠地打。

○2用在比赛或竞赛当中,表示“打成平局,得分相同”,可单独用作不及物动词,或用be tied形式;其后常接介词with。例如:

England tied 2–2 with Germany in the first round. 在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以2:2打成平局。

At the end of the season, we were tied with the Tigers. 赛季结束时,我们与老虎队得分相同。

The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying the trip. 那场雨没有妨碍我们享受旅行的乐趣。

○3常用短语tie sth. up表示“栓到……上,拴住”;sth. be tied up with sth.把……联系起来,使……有关联。例如:

He left his dog tied up to a tree. 他把狗拴在了树上。

Her behaviour is tied up with her fear. 她的行为与她的恐惧感有关。



close ties between the two countries 两国间的密切关系

The UN is trying to bring the war to a stop. 联合国试图结束这场战争。

○2表示“平局,得分相同”含义时,常用in a tie短语。例如:

The match ended in a tie. 这场比赛以平局告终。

(2019,辽宁卷,任务型阅读)They can help you pull down the basket or tie the balloon to the ground car until you are ready to fly.

9. tired



○1表示“困倦的,疲劳的,累的”;so tired (that)累到……;too tired to do sth.累得无法……。例如:

I’m so tired I could sleep for a week. 我累得一觉能睡一个星期。

He was too tired to argue. 他累得不想争吵。

○2be/get tired of (doing) sth.表示“对(做)某事感到厌烦(倦)的”,相当于be fed up with sth.。例如:

I’m tired of watching television; let’s go for a walk. 我看电视都看腻了,我们出去走走吧。

词性转换:tire  v.(使)疲劳;(使)厌烦;tiredness  n.疲劳;疲倦;tiring  adj.累人的;麻烦的:注意tiring用来形容事物,而tired指人的感受。



5.Betty felt so tired last night that she ____________ fell asleep in bed after lying down.

A. recently        B. suddenly        C. frequently        D. immediately

10. total



○1表示“总数的,总括的”,常用搭配有total number/amount/cost等。例如:

total sales of 200,000 per year 每年20万的销售总额

○2表示“完全的,彻底的”;total failure彻底的失败(者)。例如:

You were a total failure if you hadn’t married by the time you were about twenty-three. 如果你在二十三岁左右还没结婚,就是一个彻底的失败者。

名词用法:in total总共;a total of…总共……。例如:

A total of thirteen meetings were held to discuss the issue. 总共举行了13次会议来讨论该议题。

There were probably about 40 people there in total. 总共可能有40人左右。

词性转换:totally  adv.总共;完全地

近义词:complete  adj.完全的



56. Each cable car can carry __________people in total.

A. 100            B. 101            C. 110            D. 113

11. touch


关联词组:get in touch (with sb.)(与……)取得联系;keep/stay in touch (with sb.) (与……)保持联系;lose touch (with sb.)(和……)失去联系;Do Not Touch请勿触摸(警示语);be in touch (with sb.)(和……)有联系;be out of touch (with sb.)(和……)失去联系;sense of touch触感/觉




可在touch后面直接跟部位,也可以说touch sb. on+部位。例如:

She reached out to touch his arm. 她伸手去碰他的胳膊。

A hand touched her on the shoulder. 有一只手碰了一下她的肩膀。


Her kindness has touched the hearts of people around the nation.她的善良触动了全国人的心弦。

词性转换:touching  adj.动人的;touched  adj.受感动的;touchable  adj.可触的

近义词:move  v.使感动



It can stop passengers from   75   (touch) the bus driver.

12. tour


关联词组:go on a tour漫游,旅行;city tour城市观光;make a tour of观光/游历某地


a 10-day tour of China 中国十日游

词性转换:tourist  n.游客;tourism  n.旅游业


(2019,湖北卷,任务型阅读)A middle-aged man, Xu Shijie, from Kaifeng is a pedicab (三轮车)driver, or rather, a tour guide.

13. traditional



关联词组:traditional culture传统文化;traditional festival传统节日

用法:It is traditional (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事是一种传统。例如:

It is traditional to eat mooncake on Mid-autumn Festival. 中秋节吃月饼是一个传统。

词性转换:traditionally  adv.传统上;习惯上;tradition  n.传统;惯例


(2019,山东卷,完形)But nowadays, the younger people do the traditional way less.

14. train


用法:get on/off a train上/下火车;by train乘火车;catch/take/get the train 赶上/乘坐/搭乘火车

熟词僻义:train还可以作动词,表示“训练,培训”;可用于train sb. as/in/for sth.或train sb. to do sth.等结构。例如:

All employees will be trained in service skills. 所有员工都将接受服务技能的培训。

They are training the dogs to walk like humans.他们正在训练狗学人走路。

词性转换:training  n.培训,培养


(2019,北京卷,阅读D)Many people believe smart machines are necessarily correct and objective, but machines are trained through a repeated testing and scoring process.

15. travel


关联词组:travel abroad出国旅行;travel around周游;travel industry旅游业

用法:用travel by+ train/car/air表示旅行的方式;常和to/through/across/around等介词搭配使用。例如:

We’re planning to travel across America this summer. 我们计划今年夏天横穿美国旅行。


○1travel 通常泛指“旅行”,词义广泛,可以指长期、短期的,不论何种目的,不论使用何种交通工具的旅行,尤指长途的海外旅行。在表示抽象意义的“旅行”时也要使用travel;复数travels用来表示“包括访问几个地方的一次长时间的旅行、国外旅行”。例如:

He is fond of travel. 他喜欢旅行。

He has just returned from his travels.他旅行刚回来。


He went on a business trip yesterday.昨天他出差了。


He is planning a tour of the world. 他计划周游世界。

关联单词:traveler  n.旅行者



4.The high-speed train             Qingdao and Beijing travels faster now. The train ride takes only about three hours.

A. from        B. among            C. in            D. between

16. trouble


关联词组:get/run into trouble陷入困境;be in trouble处于困境;cause trouble肇事

名词用法:trouble一般视为不可数名词,不能用a trouble,但可用troubles;常用于have trouble with sb./sth.或have trouble doing sth.结构,表示“(做……)有困难”。例如:

She tells me her troubles. I tell her mine.她告诉了我她的烦恼,我也把我的告诉了她。

We’re having a lot of trouble with the new computer system. 我们新的电脑系统有许多问题。

We had much trouble finding her house. 我们费了很大的劲才找到了她家。



There is one thing that’s been troubling me. 有一件事一直苦恼着我。

○2相当于bother,表示“麻烦(某人),使费神”;trouble sb. with sth.为某事麻烦某人。例如:

I won’t trouble you with the details. 我就不麻烦你听那些细节了。

○3口语中常说“May I trouble you?/Sorry to trouble you”,意为“我可以麻烦您一下吗/对不起,麻烦您一下”。例如:Sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me the way to the station, please?对不起,麻烦您一下,请问到车站怎么走?

词性转换:troublesome  adj.麻烦的,讨厌的


(2019,山东卷,阅读表达)I told him, “I think we’ll get in trouble.” but he just laughed and told me not to worry.

17. true


关联词组:come true实现,成真;true love真爱,挚爱;true friend真心朋友

用法:supply sth. to sb.=supply sb. with sth.。例如:

○1与“假”,相对,表示“符合事实的,真(实)的”;the same is true of……也是;例如:

The same is true of all political parties. 所有政党都是这样。


She managed to hide her true feelings . 她设法掩饰了自己的真实感情。

○3常用It is true that结构表示承认某事,意为“确实,的确”。例如:

It is true that there have been improvements in some areas. 某些方面确实已有改进。



The news is true.这消息是真的。(不是假消息)


Lu Xun’s real name is Zhou Shuren.鲁迅的真名字是周树人。(鲁迅是虚构的名字)


What he said is true.他说的话是真的.


It’s a true/real pearl.这是真珍珠。

词性转换:truly  adv.真实地,不假;真诚地;truth  n.真理;事实

(2019,山东卷,阅读C)A lot of people think that wind power is new, but that’s not true.

18. trust


动词用法:trust可直接接宾语,可接人,也可接物;也可用于trust in sb./sth.或trust sb. to do sth.结构。例如:

I just don’t trust him. 我就是不信任他。

We trust in God. 我们信仰上帝。

Can they be trusted to look after the house? 能信任他们把房子托给他们照看吗?

名词用法:put/place your trust in sb./sth.相信……。例如:

You shouldn’t put your trust in a man like that. 你不应该相信那样的男人。

词性转换:trustful  adj.信任的,相信的;trusty  adj.可靠的,可信任的

同义词:believe  v.相信,新任


(2019年,湖北卷,阅读C)Most people didn’t trust Shang Yang. In order to solve this problem, Shang Yang came up with an idea.

19. try


关联词组:try something new/different尝试新事物;try again再来一次;try hard努力;try one’s best尽最大努力;try one’s luck碰运气;try it on试穿,试戴;worth a try值得一试

动词用法:try to do sth.设法做某事;try doing sth.尝试做某事;例如:

She was trying not to cry. 她强忍住不哭出来。

They decided they would try living in America for some time. 他们决定在美国住一段时间试试。

名词用法:名词try后常接at (doing) sth.;常用搭配有have a try试一试;give it a try试一试。例如:

We decided to make another try at reaching an agreement. 我们决定再作一番努力,力争达成一致。

I don’t think I’ll be any good at tennis, but I’ll give it a try. 我觉得我肯定打不好网球,但我会试一试。



They don’t have to take it ______19______ and they can try to find a good time to leave.

19. A. completely        B. seriously        C. probably

20. turn


关联词组:turn on/off打开/关闭;turn into变成;turn in上交,归还;turn out结果是;turn up出现;开大;turn down拒绝;关小;turn back往回走;by turns轮流,交替;in turn相应地;依次地



He turned around to look at Kim. 他转过身看着金。

You may turn over your exam papers now. 现在你们可以把考卷翻过来。

Turn left at the church. 到了教堂向左拐。


Rose’s hair was already turning grey. 罗丝的头发已经开始花白了。

Then it turned cold and started to rain. 然后天气变冷,开始下雨。


○1表示“轮流,轮流的顺序,轮到的机会”;常用take turns (in doing sth./to do sth.)结构,表示“轮流做某事”。例如:

Dan and I usually take turns to cook. 我和丹通常轮流做饭。

○2表示“转弯处,岔路口”,如take the first turn在第一个交叉处转弯;或表示“拐弯,改变方向”,如make a left/right turn向左/右拐。例如:

I think we took a wrong turn coming out of town. 我觉得我们出城时拐错弯了。



7.Would you please ____________ the light? I can’t sleep well with it on

A. turn on        B. turn off        C. turn to            D. turn around

